We are thrilled to bring together designers and female design students to showcase our and their work as part of our Women’s economic empowerment program and the project “Institutional and Economic Empowerment of Women and Girls of the Eastern Region 2”, supported by The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation and Sweden.
This program is dedicated to enhancing the economic empowerment of women in Macedonia.
Final designs will be exhibited at #SkopjeFashionWeekend on Monday, October 28, 2024, at Laboratorium, where they will be auctioned off. #FashionForever
Check out the catalogue: https://tinyurl.com/Catalogue-Fashion-with-Cause
Моделите на младите дизајнери се дел од активноста Young Designers Exhibition (sustainability event), во рамките на проектот “Институционално и економско зајакнување на жените и девојките од источниот регион 2”, спроведуван од Гласен текстилец, а финансиран од фондацијата „Kvinna till Kvinna“ и Шведска.
The designs of the young designers are part of the Young Designers Exhibition activity (sustainability event) which is part of the project “Institutional and Economic Empowerment of Women and Girls from the Eastern Region 2”, implemented by Glasen Tekstilec and financed by The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation and Sweden.